Weather at Ashford Co. Wicklow Ireland
on 16/10/24 at 4:20 GMT
12m above sea level Current Today's Highs Today's Lows
Air Temperature 13.8°C 13.9°C at 0:20 13.8°C at 1:58
Humidity 98% 98%  at  0:18 97%  at  0:00
Dewpoint 13.5°C 13.9°C at  0:18 13.3°C at  0:00
Wind (Last minute)
Wind Direction
(10min avg)
0.0km/hr gusting to 0.0km/hr
km/hr gusting to 0.0km/hr

0.0km/hr  at ---- (gust)
Wind Chill 13.8°C   13.9°C at  0:00
Air Pressure 996.9mb & Falling Slowly 999.5 mb at  0:00 996.8 mb at 4:13
Solar Radiation 0W/m2 0W/m2 at ----  
UV index 0.0 index 0.0 index at ----  
Today's Rain
Rain Rate
4.6 mm
0.0 mm/hr

7.2mm/hr  at 0:56
Today's EvapoTranspiration 0.00 mm    
  Monthly high Monthly low Yearly High Yearly low
Temperature 18.2°C 0.2°C 24.7°C -4.5°C
Humidity 98% 53% 100% 48%
Dewpoint 15.0°C -1.1°C 20.0°C -6.1°C
Air Pressure 1022.7mb 986.9mb 1042.3mb 969.1mb
Wind Chill   0.0°C   -4.4°C
Wind Speed (gust) 0.0km/hr   91.7km/hr    
Rain Rate 31.2mm/hr      
Solar Radiation 687 W/m2   1252 W/m2  
UV index 1.3 index   4.0 index  
This Month's Rain 48.8 mm   This Year's Rain 641.2 mm
This Month's Evapotranspiration 17.02mm   This Year's Evapotranspiration 464.06mm


6:53 Sunset 17:25